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I could sit and talk all day about what is proper pruning and what is not. There are many things to consider when discussing this topic. From what type of tree is being worked on, and where the tree is located? Is the tree in good or bad health? Has a Risk Assessment been done, and if so what is recommended or prescribed? Is there risk of any kind involved, is the tree over top of a structure, landscaping etc.. Was the tree previously worked on causing potential damage? What are stated reasons client wants pruning to be done? An so many more carefully considered aspects to how Farris Hardwood Services recommends treatment for any given tree. No two trees or tree situations are the same, so with careful consideration of all the facts, and knowing what works best for that type of tree, is all part of how F.H.S can continue to give the best service and care for all of our clients. 

Proper Pruning



In the back ground image, and in one of the three pictures, you will see some of the things we look at, and then choose to remove when pruning a tree.

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